S2: Reflection 2 - (Reflective Tutorial)

The Classroom Environment

In our reflection tutorial, we discussed classroom environments and our experiences/opinions regarding them e.g. displays, atmosphere. We watched a video of a School principal and an environment evaluator debating their stances on classroom environment. The evaluator argued that an excess of colourful displays can be over-stimulating and distracting to the pupils; the principal argued such displays are an integral aspect of primary and if the lesson is stimulating the children will be engrossed. I can appreciate both sides of the story and hope that in my own classroom I can utilise the best of both schools of thought. In my experience I have seen classrooms with too much and too little; neither are particularly effective or inspiring. I hope my classroom environment is a balanced - displays of the children work to motivate them and make them proud, content that speaks to the children’s interests, inspires them and reinforces/aids learning and productivity.
